Improving Weymouth

With Government funding under pressure nationally and locally, we need to proactively take care of fixing our long-standing problems whether social or environmental. For too long, they have negatively affected people’s experiences when visiting the Weymouth BID area. It is our time to drive standards higher whenever and wherever they are too low.

Our Priorities

Part of Improving Weymouth both now and for the future is by investing time and money into projects which not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the town but ensures that people take a pride in the town, driving standards higher whenever and wherever possible. 

BID Term 3 commits to:

  • Patrol Service – providing support to businesses in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour around the town.


  • Crime Reduction – providing businesses access to DISC, our secure online reporting and intelligence platform.


  • Safe Night-Time Economy – supporting schemes and proposals that support Weymouth’s safe and vibrant night-time economy.


  • Graffiti Removal – working with property owners to clear graffiti that blights our town.


  • Public Realm Enhancements – supporting initiatives to develop the public realm, such as murals, hanging baskets and heritage trails.


  • Maintaining Standards – acting as a conduit between businesses and responsible authorities, ensuring baseline services are delivered.


  • Wayfinding – promoting footfall throughout the whole BID area with maps and digital information.


  • Arts, Culture and Heritage – working with organisations to enhance the appeal of Weymouth.