Purple Flag

Raising the standards and broadening the appeal of the town centre in the evening and at night

We are working with Weymouth Town Council to develop Weymouth’s Purple Flag status and support the town’s night time economy.

Purple Flag is a town and city centre award, similar to the Blue Flag for beaches and Green Flag for parks & gardens, which aims to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of town and city centres in the evenings and at night. The scheme is managed by the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) working alongside the Purple Flag Advisory Committee, a partnership of key stakeholder groups backed by Government, police and businesses.

Purple Flag accredited towns and cities have proven that they are welcoming to everyone; Weymouth offers safe ways for visitors to travel home after dark and provides a good mix of venues. Weymouth’s night time economy benefits from more visitors, lower crime and anti-social behaviour and improved perceptions of the town centre.

"We are delighted that Weymouth has been awarded the Purple Flag status again, in recognition of our dedicated efforts and investment in the creation and enhancement of our night time economy. We are very happy to be flying the Purple Flag, this shows that all stakeholders involved (Weymouth Town Council, Dorset Police, Weymouth BID, Dorset Council, Street Pastors, NHS, Public Health England and Pubwatch) have a strong partnership. We will promote the Purple Flag and use it as a benchmark to strive towards a vibrant and safe night time environment for both our residents and visitors"
Cllr Graham Winter, Mayor of Weymouth