Purple Flag – Short Survey for Weymouth’s Nighttime Economy Businesses

We Are Weymouth are supporting Weymouth Town Council with the town’s application for Purple Flag status for 2022-2023.

We’d like to take this opportunity to ask businesses in the nighttime economy to take a very short survey to help us understand the perception and impact that holding Purple Flag status has in the town, and opportunities to work more closely with the sector.

Privacy Notice
By taking part in this survey, you agree for your responses and contact details to be collected by We Are Weymouth and shared with Weymouth Town Council. Anonymised data may be shared with partner organisations supporting the scheme. We Are Weymouth may use your contact information to update their records and contact you about BID-related activity (legitimate interest). We Are Weymouth and Weymouth Town Council may use this data to contact you about Purple Flag and Nighttime Economy related matters (consent).